
Online Submission is now open!

Submit Your Abstract

2025 Abstract Topic List

  • Aerospace - Aeronautics
  • Composites in Space and Deployable Structures
  • Ground-based Transportation: Automotive, Trains, Buses, Trucks
  • Marine
  • Renewable Energies
  • Civil Applications
  • Sports & Leisure
  • Medical
  • Emerging Composite Technologies
  • Other Application Domains
  • Fibers & Textiles
  • Matrix Materials: Polymers, Metals, Ceramics, Concrete, Geopolymers
  • Interfaces
  • Prepregs
  • Bio-composites
  • Nanocomposites
  • Graphene, graphene-based composites
  • Hybrid Composites
  • Hierarchical composites
  • Foams, Cellular and Lattice Materials
  • Structural Integration of Devices
  • Self-healing
  • Energy Storage and Harvesting
  • Sensing and Actuation
  • Adaptive Response and Reconfiguration
  • Smart Structures
  • Health Monitoring
  • Fracture and Damage
  • Impact & Dynamic Response
  • Sandwich Structures
  • Hybrid Structures
  • Buckling & Stability
  • Joining & Joints
  • Textile Composites
  • Thin ply Composites
  • Short & Long Fiber Composites
  • Fatigue
  • Dynamic Response
  • Creep
  • Durability, Ageing, Environmental Effects
  • Lightning Strike and Fire Safety
  • Electrical Properties
  • Ductile and Pseudo-ductile Composites
  • Micromechanics
  • Failure Mechanics and Simulations
  • Multiscale Modeling
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Multiphysics Modeling
  • Architected Composites
  • Materials by Design
  • Interface Design
  • Bio-inspired Designs
  • Composite Pressure Vessels
  • Advanced Computational Methods
  • Maintenance & Repair
  • Structural Health Monitoring and Control
  • AI-based Design Methods
  • Topological Optimization
  • Sustainability
  • Recycling
  • Machine Learning
  • Failure Simulations
  • Environmental Impact
  • Process Modeling and Simulation
  • 2D and 3D Textile Reinforcements and their Composites
  • Tailored preforms
  • Automated Placement Technologies
  • Pultrusion, Filament Winding, Roll Forming
  • Liquid Composite Molding
  • Autoclave and Out-of-Autoclave
  • Forming & Stamping
  • Machining
  • Up-Scaling & Automation
  • Online Process Monitoring and Control
  • Eco processing
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Manufacturing of Discontinuous Fiber Composites
  • Welding and Bonding
  • AI-based Manufacturing
  • Full-field Methods
  • X-ray Computed Tomography
  • Thermography
  • NDE of Composites: Diagnostics & Prognostics
  • NDE of Composites: Imaging
  • Acoustic Emission & ultrasonic method
  • Optical Fiber Sensors
  • Micro- and Nano-scale Test Methods
  • Standardization
  • Data-driven Methods for Characterization
  • Tests in Extreme Environments
  • Novel Test Methods
  • Multiphysics Based Experimental Testing
    1. University of Delaware Center for Composite Materials (UD-CCM) 50th Anniversary Symposium (Advani and Thostenson)
    2. Thermoplastic Composites (C. Obradaigh)
    3. Artificial Intelligence empowering composites science and technology (Chinesta and Ghnatios)
    4. Self-Healing Composites (Cioffi and Ambrogi)
    5. Invariants and unique characteristics of double-double laminates (Cimini)
    6. Fire Performance of Composite Materials (Bhattacharyya and Kim)
    7. Aerostructure Composites (Bari)
    8. Biomass-Based Composite Materials (Calado)
    9. Compressive Failure of Composites (Pinho)
    10. Coupled flow-fiber deformation in the processing of structural composites (Binetruy and Comas-Cardona)
    11. Computational modelling of 3D printed composite structures (Amirpour)
    12. Smart composite materials for heating, cooling, and thermal management (Zhang and Bilotti)
    13. Permeability measurement of textile reinforcements (Yong)
      Important Dates

    Abstract Submission Deadline:
    Nov 15, 2024
    Abstract Notification:
    Jan 13, 2025
    Speaker Registration Deadline:
    Mar 28, 2025
    Final Presentation Submitted:
    May 9, 2025

    Rules For Submitting Abstracts

    1. Authors should submit abstracts for consideration by completing the Online Abstract Submittal Form, accessible by clicking on the button at the top of this page.
    2. All submitted abstracts are to include key results and key references, and are to be a minimum of 500 words in length along with inclusion of figure(s) and/or table(s).
    3. At the time of abstract submission, authors will be asked to certify that the submitted abstract is unclassified, non-proprietary and approved for public release and unlimited distribution. All accepted abstracts will be posted to the ICCM 2025 conference website.
    4. ICCM 2025 is unclassified and open attendance. Authors presenting papers will be responsible for obtaining all necessary approvals and releases prior to the Conference.
    5. Abstracts must be received no later than Friday, November 15, 2024. Abstract reviewers request that, in order to facilitate technical review, abstracts be submitted as soon as possible. A late submission will not allow time for proper review by the conference planning/review committee and may result in the rejection of the abstract.
    6. All submitted abstracts will receive an email by Monday, January 13, 2025 notifying them of the acceptance/non-acceptance of the abstract. Only the primary submitting author will be sent this acceptance/non-acceptance email and it will be the author’s responsibility to notify any co-authors.
    7. Authors presenting papers at ICCM 2025 are REQUIRED to register by Friday, March 28, 2025 for the conference and pay the associated conference registration fee. No Exceptions.
    8. All Accepted Authors/Abstracts for ICCM 2025 will be expected to give their presentation in-person at the ICCM 2025 Conference.

    Presentation Requirements for Accepted Abstracts

    What Happens if My Abstract is Accepted?

    PLEASE NOTE: All Accepted Authors/Abstracts for ICCM 2025 will be expected to give their presentation in-person at the ICCM 2025 Conference.

    Each primary submitter for abstracts will be notified by email, no later than Monday, January 13, 2025 of the decision of the ICCM Review Committee. Abstract submitters who receive an acceptance letter email will also be provided with speaker log-in information/instructions. This speaker log-in information will guide each presenter through all phases of the presentation requirements for ICCM 2025. All presenters will be required to upload their presentation prior to the Conference using this speaker log-in page. An exact date for presentation submission will be contained in the speaker log-in information. Presentations with substantial speaker notes or a technical paper (author’s choice), will be required of each presenter for inclusion in the Proceedings, to be posted on the Conference website after the Conference.

    Presentation Guidelines

    • PowerPoint presentations are preferred, but PDF can be used as well, if needed.
    • It is recommended that Presentations use a 16:9 ratio.
    • Fonts should be size 16 or higher (unless the text is a footnote or disclaimer). One tip to test if the font of your presentation is big enough is to print a random page of your presentation, place it on the floor, and see if you can read it when you stand up.
    • Send your presentation ahead of time so it can be previewed for any technical issues. Also take advantage of speaker review times to review your presentation on the equipment you will be using for presentation and in the room where you will present. This should ensure that no problems will occur on the day of your presentation.
    • Always bring a backup copy of your presentation with you just in case your main copy is lost or damaged.