ICCM 24 Exhibiting


Give your company the spotlight by Exhibiting at ICCM24!
Exhibit presales are NOW OPEN!

Exhibitor Information

  • Submit your application online
  • Balance owed is due within 30 days, or the Exhibit Manager will have the right to cancel booth space
  • Choose at least 3 locations from booth map (in case your first choice has already been assigned)

Exhibit Booth Pre-Sales

Exhibit Booth Fees are $2,900 per 10'x10'*

*Exhibit Booth Rate will increase to $3,500 after February 14, 2025

Exhibit Hall Capacity


10'x10' Booth Space Includes

  • Two (2) Exhibit Hall Staff Badges will be included with each 10'x10'
  • All Food Functions within the Exhibit Hall
  • Exhibit Hall Security
  • Standard 8-foot back drape and 3-foot side drape
  • Identification Sign

Exhibitor Expectations

Confirmed Exhibitors will receive more detailed information on the following items:

  • How to Submit Your Company/Organization Logo & Website
  • Where to download the Service Manuals
  • How to Register Your Exhibit Staff Badges
  • Registering Onsite Points of Contact

ProLead Retrieval

ARCTOS is proud to introduce the Ultimate Exhibitor Lead Tracker App, ProLead! Use this FREE app to manage and track your leads at Arctos Events with ease.

Exhibitor Hours

Monday, August 4 Tuesday, August 5 Wednesday, August 6
Exhibit Set Up
1:00PM - 5:00PM
Exhibits Open
7:00AM - 5:00PM
Exhibits Open
7:00AM - 12:00PM
Opening of Exhibits/
Welcome Reception
6:00PM - 7:30PM
5:30PM - 7:00PM
Exhibit Tear Down
1:00PM - 5:00PM

Please note: Exhibitor hours are subject to change.

Floor Plan

ARCTOS, on behalf of ICCM, reserves the right to rearrange the final floor plan based on unsold or unoccupied exhibit space.

Exhibit Refund/Cancellation/Release of Space

If an Exhibitor must cancel their booth, or a portion of multiple booths, booth fees are non-refundable. All cancellations must be submitted in writing to the Exhibit Manager. All Exhibitor Booth rentals must be paid in full within 30 days of submittal, or, if registering for an exhibit booth within four weeks of the Conference, payment must accompany the registration. If Exhibitor Booth fees are not paid by these dates, space will be released.

In the event ICCM/ARCTOS must cancel or postpone the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, ICCM/ARCTOS will refund in full the paid exhibit booth fees. However, ICCM/ARCTOS does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging. If the Conference is postponed, paid Exhibitors will be given the option to transfer their payment to the rescheduled dates or receive a full refund upon ICCM/ARCTOS’s receipt of the Company’s Booth cancellation, in writing, and within 4 weeks of the announcement of the rescheduled Conference dates.

(Unforeseen circumstances is used to describe an event that is unexpected and prevents ICCM/ARCTOS from continuing with the Conference.)


Thank you to the 2025 sponsors for supporting the conference.