
Recognizing outstanding achievements

ICCM Invites Nominations for the following Awards

Select an award to view details

Paul Lagace Award

ICCM is pleased to announce the creation of the Paul Lagace Award in recognition of outstanding contribution to education and/or knowledge transfer in the field of composite materials. The Paul Lagace Award will be presented during the 24th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM‐24), to be held in Baltimore (USA), in 2025.

Award Details

ICCM encourages nominations from all sections of the composites community, including government, industry and academia. Involvement in ICCM, which can be demonstrated by having attended at least one previous ICCM conference, is required.

A panel selected by the members of the ICCM Executive Council will assess the nominations and identify the candidate whose contribution to education and/or knowledge transfer has made the most significant impact. The chosen recipient will have the honor of delivering the “Lagace” lecture during the ICCM‐24 conference. ICCM will cover the conference registration cost, and the recipient will be presented with a certificate in recognition of the award.

Nomination Process
  • Two recommendation letters (one from an ICCM member and one from an individual familiar with the work of the candidate) accompanied by the CV of the nominee.
  • A (not more than) two-page summary of candidate’s contribution to education and/or knowledge transfer in the field of composites.

Candidates are encouraged to reference up to five significant and relevant education initiatives and/or knowledge transfer activities in their two-page submissions.

All documents are to be submitted to the relevant regional vice presidents by no later than January 31, 2025, by email (Subject: ICCM Paul Lagace Award Nomination):

* ICCM member is an individual from a member nation who has participated as a fully registered delegate at an ICCM Conference. A delegate not from a member nation can also become an ICCM member following the procedure explained at ICCM Constitution.

ICCM is pleased to welcome nominations for the Anthony Kelly Prize awarded in recognition of outstanding contribution to the science, engineering, or technical innovation with influence on industrial practice, for any type of composites. The ICCM Kelly Prize will be presented during the 24th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM‐24), to be held in Baltimore (USA), 2025.

Award Details

ICCM encourages nominations from all sections of the composites community, including government, industry and academia. Involvement in ICCM, which can be demonstrated by having attended at least one previous ICCM conference, is required. Preference will be given to candidates at an early stage of their professional career, normally less than 15 years of working in the fields of composites, at the deadline date for the prize nomination.

A panel selected by the members of the ICCM Executive Council will assess the nominations and identify the candidate whose work has made the most significant academic or industrial impact. The chosen recipient will have the honor of delivering the “Kelly” lecture during the ICCM‐24 conference. Recipient expenses related to participation in ICCM‐24 will be covered by ICCM and the recipient will also receive a certificate in recognition of the prize.

Nomination Process
  • Two recommendation letters (one from an ICCM member and one from an individual familiar with the work of the candidate) accompanied by the CV of the nominee.
  • A (not more than) two-page summary of their work and main career achievements.

Candidates are encouraged to reference up to five significant and relevant publications, patents and/or other publicly available information on their work in their two-page submissions.

All documents are to be submitted to the relevant regional vice presidents by no later than November 30, 2024 by email (Subject: ICCM Kelly Prize Nomination):

* ICCM registration fees, including all official functions; accommodation at one of the named hotels for the duration of the conference; travel expenses pre-approved by the ICCM Executive Council, covering advance purchase economy fares and airport transfers for a maximum amount of USD3000.
** An ICCM member is an individual from a member nation who has participated as a fully registered delegate at an ICCM Conference. A delegate not from a member nation can also become an ICCM member following the procedure explained here.

The Stephen Tsai award will be given for the best student paper presented during the 24th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM‐24), to be held in Baltimore (USA), 2025. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible, provided that they are enrolled at a university at the time of submitting the paper and are the first author and presenter of the paper.

Award Details

Two regional finalists will be selected from each of the three ICCM world regions and invited to present their papers in a special session named “Tsai Best Student Paper” in Baltimore. The winner will receive a free ticket for the ICCM-24 banquet where they will be presented with the award and a USD500 prize. The selection will be based on both the quality of the paper and the oral presentation. Those submissions that are not selected to be presented at the Tsai Best Student Paper session will be treated as regular papers submitted to the conference.

Application Procedure

Those students whose abstracts have been accepted for a full oral presentation will be eligible to apply for the Tsai Award. To apply, the students will be required to upload their full papers on the ICCM-24 website and select that they would like to be considered for the award. They will then be further instructed to upload a form signed by their primary supervisors confirming their student status on the paper submission date. Students will also have to upload a signed statement describing the contributions of each author of their papers.

Selection Guidelines

The technical merit of the work is the most important evaluation criteria. Those full papers will be judged on the clarity and conciseness of the statement of the objectives of the work, and the clarity and conciseness of the statement of the approaches, procedures, and methodologies for achieving these objectives.

A summary of important conclusions should be included, and these should be substantiated. The significance of the findings, how they contribute to the state of the art, and how they relate to the work of other investigators should be easily determined from the writing. Effective use of tables and figures, and ease of understanding them, including units, dimensions, legends, labels, symbol and line types and colors, etc., will be considered.

Presentation quality including clarity, organization, audio-visual quality, and timing will be assessed on the day of the “Tsai Best Student Paper” special session at ICCM-24.

The designation of World Fellow is an award given by ICCM in recognition of the following: (i) outstanding contribution to the field of composite materials through research and/or industrial development, (ii) international recognition and contribution to the work of ICCM, and (iii) other contributions to the field, e.g., through education, contributions to other major conference series, development of standards/design codes, editorial work etc. There are no specific designated amounts of contributions that must be made with regard to each of these items. However, any person who becomes a World Fellow of ICCM must have made contributions to each area that are representative of the expectations of such a recognition. Overall, this person is to have made significant contributions to the objectives of ICCM as captured in the articulation of these three items.

Award Details

All World Fellows are designated as Life Members of ICCM.

Nomination Process

All nominations shall be submitted by a member of the ICCM Executive Council (EC) or a current World Fellow to the ICCM Senior Vice President no later than February 28, 2025. This nomination package must include the following:

  • A curriculum vitae of the nominee.
  • A minimum of two letters of recommendation from current ICCM members:
    • At least one letter shall be from an ICCM member outside the ICCM World Region of the candidate.
    • At least one letter shall be from an EC member or a current World Fellow.

Other suggestions concerning the nomination package can be found in Nomination of World Fellow of ICCM.

* ICCM Senior Vice President: Dr. Sayata Ghose,


Thank you to the 2025 sponsors for supporting the conference.